International Dentist Day
Dr. John Greenwood (May 17, 1760 – November 16, 1819) was an American fifer and dentist, serving as President George Washington's personal dentist. In 1790, John Greenwood, a Washington dentist, invented a dental drill powered by a "dental foot engine". The first drill was a heavy drilling machine with a foot pedal, which did not prevent Greenwood to manufacture four dentures for President George Washington, whom he treated. Greenwood adapted his mother's foot-treadle (pedal) spinning wheel to rotate a drill. It was not until a century later, in 1907, that an electric drill was invented. Initially, International Dentist Day was an American professional holiday, but with time the tradition extended beyond North America. India was the first follower. Festivities include such events as lectures and public awareness of the necessity to clean one’s teeth to prevent cavities especially in children.