Global warming

Global warming is one of the most significant and difficult issues facing the world today. Melting down of glaciers can have such an adverse effect on the global water level that in coming years, it can be the reason of biggest catastrophe . 2016 summit in Paris about climate change however does not answer the reasons of such climatic adversities. It certainly did highlight the fact that now the developing nations need to pay for all the crimes done by the developed nations.
As result, researchers in a number of disciplines have directed their attention to addressing issues relevant to the study of and responses to global warming. This has been less true in the social sciences, and especially within specific social sciences such as criminology, in comparison to the physical sciences. Global warming does, however, have criminological and sociological relevance on several levels.

There is widespread evidence that glaciers are retreating in many mountain areas of the world. Since 1850 the glaciers of the European Alps have lost about 30 to 40% of their surface area and about half of their volume . Similarly, glaciers in the New Zealand Southern Alps have lost 25% of their area over the last 100 years , and glaciers in several regions of central Asia have been retreating since the 1950s . For three glaciers in the US Pacific Northwest, the seven-year average rate of ice loss was higher for the period since 1989 than for any other period studied . Glacial retreat is also prevalent in the higher elevations of the tropics. Glaciers on Mt. Kenya and Kilimanjaro have lost over 60% of their area in the last century , and accelerated retreat has been reported for the Peruvian Andes.
A vivid example of the catastrophe is in the video below . Hope that gives us some idea about the grave situation.