New face of Asia

China's economy for past thirty years had been dependent on:
- Production
- State owned enterprises
- Huge exports.
Now, with new type of entrepreneurs coming into the scenario, there is a huge shift. In next 10-20 years, it will be more, a case of:
- Hi - technology
- Domestic consumption
- Innovative services
From "Made in China" it is on it's way to be "Innovated in China"
80% -90% Private companies are going to shape the economy of china in coming years.
Change in education systems is another thing on which China is working now.
India to ratify Paris Agreement on climate change on October 2, birthdate of Mahatma Gandhi. It's a major step towards Clean Energy.
- India accounts for around 4.1% of global greenhouse gas emissions.
- The agreement is meant to limit global warming "well below" 2°C.
- So far, 60 countries including the world's top two polluters - China and USA - have ratified the Agreement which was adopted by 195 countries in Paris last December. While China and USA had ratified it on September 3, as many as 31 countries had formally joined the Agreement through formal ratification or acceptance at a special event, hosted by the United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon in New York, on September 21.