The rise of the Titans

Although the year started with a sharp drop in temperatures, it seems that the geo-political and financial temperatures are not going to fall anytime in near future. Yesterday (17/1/2017) we had the following points made very clear by the U.K.
- Britain will not seek to remain a member of Europe's single market.
- The legal jurisdiction in Britain of the European Court of Justice will end.
- But it will seek a free-trade deal with the European Union.
- Both houses of Parliament must approve any final deal.
That's the Brexit for you !!!
We now look very closely to upcoming elections in France, Holland & few other countries and we must not forget about the recent results of Austria.
Anyways, the reason why I talk about the Rise of the titans is because, whether you call it extreme Right or any other leftist ideas, the coming up of the leaders like Trump, Putin, Modi and many more authoritarian leaders is what we see as a modern phenomenon in this changing world.
When the chips are down, Europe, just like any other country will find its way to find the reasons of the failure. Whether it's problem with immigration policies or outsourcing of jobs or any other thing, it's very human to find fault with others than to look inside oneself.
Trojans are there in every society. So are the titans. Till now, with lesser popular votes but more electoral votes Mr Trump has taken many democrats & even some republicans by surprise.
The power game played by Mr Putin in a very refined way, whether it was Alleppo or Crimea, has also shown the great strength of a power called Russia.
China with its many policies has already telling the world that its already there, way on top & let the new world not be fool itself by not taking the views of china into consideration.
Yesterday, the 17 th of January Mr. Fran?ois Hollande (France) made some interesting comments over USA and even tried to give a signal that it (USA) should mind its own business & not interfere in European affairs. Now that's something we never saw in Europe, for a long long time. Maybe today Germany will have some comments after the speech of Mrs May (17/1/2017) over Brexit & role of U.K.
Anyways we all await the swearing in ceremony on Friday. After that we try to analyze the Titans. We all know the law of gravity. So certainly what will rise, will certainly fall one day. But till then let's enjoy the Rise of Titans and wish them all very good luck, in their efforts to make this world, a "better place".
His Holiness Dalai Lama recently said that, he is not worried about the future of the mankind, because the basis of mankind is "compassion". Till the moment it's not "hatred", the mankind will certainly survive and flourish.