World Religion Day
Religion unifies rather than divides. Human cultural and civilization history is largely a history of religions. As history tells us, common faith is a leading factor why people feel affinity with each other. Therefore, the main idea lying behind this observance day is that religion must serve as the reason of unity. This encourages us to look at the role religion plays in today’s world. Future of humanity depends on values and social design, which are greatly affected by religious traditions. These traditions do not simply include a set of ethical norms but are engrained in the everyday life of people affecting both their behavior as individuals and the way of life of entire communities. Religion is considered to be common heritage of humanity, and deserves attention, care and protection. Tolerance in the spiritual domain is a good basis for peace today and tomorrow. Therefore, our main task today is to prevent any abuse of religion, especially using it by extremist movements, but create all possible conditions for religion to become a creative force in all spheres of human life. Future belongs to it.