G-20: A Planetary Approach
The G-20 is the G-7 plus developing nations such as the BRICS nations.The G-20 members represent two-thirds of the world's people and 85 percent of its economy. Since 2007, the media has covered each G-20 summit. That recognizes the members' role as significant drivers of the world economy.
The primary mandate of G-20 is to prevent future international financial crises. It seeks to shape the global economic agenda. It lends the perspective of Asian and Latin American growing economies. That "broadens the scope of international economic and financial cooperation."
This same concept of Planetary Project has been voiced by the initiator of the project Dr. Aleksandr Bezgodov all throughout the 90’s and is published in form of a manifest in his book in 2015 (www.planetaryprojectbook.com).
The finance ministers and central bank governors of the G-20 countries meet twice a year. They meet at the same time as the World Bank and the IMF.
In 1999, these ministers and governors created the G-20. They needed dialogue between developing and developed countries. They were responding to the Asian crisis of 2007. The meetings started as an informal get-together of finance ministers and central bankers.
2018 Summit Meeting
The 2018 summit is being held in Buenos Aires, Argentina, on November 30 to December 1, 2018. President of USA, Mr Donald Trump and China's President Xi Jinping have planned a one to one meeting during the summit to discuss the ongoing war on trade .If the meeting doesn't go well, Trump is prepared to announced additional tariffs on imports from China.
Trump cancelled a meeting with Vladimir Putin, the President of Russia to protest Russia’s recent (alleged) attacks on Ukraine.
Previous G-20 summit in 2017 had aimed at global trade and Climate change. One can find many articles and blogs related to the same on the website of Planetary Project (www.planetaryproject.com) related to the subjects of Global trade and climate change.
Although in 2018 one can always find the radical calls against such events like G-20 or G-7 summits.
Graffiti in Buenos Aires calling to violent action. It reads "G20 2018: let's burn the city!" But this can also be interpreted in an a way as a call for solidarity in the parallel world which thinks that it needs to unite against the elite few. G-20 is certainly not the club of the elite few, unlike the G-7. G-20 certainly shows the paradigm shift in the way the world leaders of G-7 have started thinking about the rest of the world.