Climate Action Planning (courtesy BBC)
Developing a 1.5°C-compatible climate action plan is a vital step for cities to respond to the climate crisis. It enables cities to identify, and form an equitable strategy to address, their biggest sources of emissions and their climate risks.
South America in the grip of global problems
Something that nowadays is known under the gloomy name "global problems" was born on our planet in the 1960s. They are problems of the whole planet, that are vitally important and the humanity`s fate depends on their solution.
Major Problems of developing Asia concerning Environment
The Asia-Pacific region is home to about 950 million people living below the poverty line. They spend a large portion of their income on basic food commodities. Consequently, rising food prices push more people below the poverty line. A strong and sustained growth momentum is needed to tackle the problem of poverty and food insecurity. Countries need economic reforms to improve productivity, particularly that of their agricultural sector, strengthen public institutions, improve economic governance, enhance financial inclusion and build social safety nets to protect the more vulnerable segments of the population.